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Şeçilmişlər F7-Financial Reporting (Int.)-Revision Kit-BPP

F7-Financial Reporting (Int.)-Revision Kit-BPP PDF
F7-Financial Reporting (Int.)-Revision Kit-BPP
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What we do know about F7 is that Question 1 will be a consolidation question. This can be a statement of financial position or income statement or both, and it will probably include an associate, so be prepared for all of this. Therefore you must revise all the consolidation workings, and you must know how to account for an associate. All questions are compulsory. 
Question 2 will be a single company accounts preparation question. This allows the examiner to bring in more complex issues that he would not test in the consolidation question. Make sure you can deal with finance leases, deferred tax, calculating finance costs using the effective interest rate, prior period adjustments, discontinued operations and construction contracts. 
Question 3 will be on statements of cash flow or interpretation of accounts. You have studied both of these at 1.1, so make sure you can do them well. Other recent questions have involved non-current assets and impairment, intangible assets, EPS, provisions and regulatory issues. These are all likely topics for questions 4 and 5. There will be a certain amount of discussion in some of the questions, so be prepared to write about financial reporting topics, such as the Framework or specific accounting standards.